About 4WD Australia

Four Wheel Drive Australia is our trademark which we have held since 1998. From September 2009 our trademark is the way we are promoting our organisation and the legitimate recreation of four wheeling in all states and territories.

The member associations of the Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council have all taken up our distinctive logo which says it all for recreational four wheel driving in Australia; camping under the Southern Cross, access to our mountains and plains and using our 4WDs to travel to all parts of Australia.

FWDA activities are based on the premise that recreational four wheel driving is a legitimate activity, and people have the right to own and use their vehicle for legitimate lifestyle and family activities. This premise is supported by policies that are based on factual evidence.

FWDA is the complete image of our recreation and the incorporated body is the peak recreational 4WD lobby group in Australia. Its membership is comprised of the 4WD Associations in each State and Territory.

FWDA acts as your voice to keep 4×4 tracks open so that we can continue enjoying four wheeling in the great outdoors. Through our united efforts, the opinions and beliefs of four wheel drive enthusiasts are heard by land management agencies and by our elected officials. The more of us who care enough to join us, the stronger our voice becomes.

You are invited to become a member of your local four wheel drive club and then by affiliation, your state and national four wheel drive associations. Your membership provides you with priceless benefits of friendship and camaraderie. It helps protect your rights for driving off the bitumen.

Contact Us
PO Box 5252 Port Macquarie BC NSW 2444

Email: @Secretary

We acknowledge the traditional owners and seek to work together for the benefit of all Australians.